Visual Symbols

 Sculpture 1

Open Heart
Clay, Ink
2" x 2.6" x 4.5"

Reflection Statement

The ceramic sculpture entitled Open Heart was intended to communicate how people view other people and how we should see with our hearts and not our eyes. I wanted to focus on judgmental people can be and how if we only looked past the exterior, you could truly get to know someone. By opening your heart, you allow others to open their heart to you, in turn creating a genuine connection. I decided to include certain details such as black hair, slightly asymmetrical eyes, and high cheekbones , because the figure represents me. One of my biggest insecurities is that one of my eyes is bigger than the other, so I displayed this on the bust. The black hair and high cheek bones are typical physical traits of Puerto Rican women like me so I included that as well. I want to continue exploring subject of the open heart and use that in future works. 

In Process


How We Judge Others is How We Judge Ourselves

This article talks about how beauty, money, popularity, etc. control how we view others and how we view ourselves. By judging other people we are simultaneously judging them and assuming that they view us in that way as well. "If we believe that we’re hard workers and we earned everything we have, then we will believe that everyone else earned what they have. And if they have nothing, it’s because they earned nothing." 

Puerto Rican Art

This article is about the different variations of Puerto Rican art and what it is inspired by. It speaks on the methods of Autoctono and Contemporary styles and how they were used to created Santos or statues depicting important figures of the Catholic faith. After reading this article, I took interest in the Autoctono style and how it uses color and childlike features to reflect the Santos. Through extra research and looking at art pieces in this particular style, I was able to reflect that in my bust in the way I shaped it with simple figures and applied color to highlight the most important features. 


Sculpture 2

Technology Consumption
Clay, Ink
6" x 3"x 1"

Reflection Statement

 The ceramic sculpture entitled Technology Consumption was inspired by today's technology innovations and how they affect society. My intent was to visually communicate the affect technology has on people and how if we are not careful it may begin to consume us. Because of recent advancements, our world is becoming a digital world where people are even losing jobs because computers are programmed to do their job for them. I felt the work was lacking in terms of the human figure, if I were to try to make this again I would focus more on making the figure look more representational of a real body. This piece allowed me to explore one of my favorite subjects and portray it as art. 

In Process


Technology Use, Loneliness, and Isolation

This article talks about how using technology too much can cause us to lose our sense of reality, in turn closing us off to the world. We become isolated in our own minds and spaces and become disconnected from our loved ones. Total absorption in technology can cause our society great harm if we do not learn how to control our need to use the web. 



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