Organic Sculpture Collection


Balsa wood, red ink, thread, gel medium, wood glue

In Process

Reflection Statement

With this wooden sculpture, my intent was to visually communicate repetition. I used balsa wood that I cut and sanded into circles, and then I used wood glue to adhere each piece in an abstract form. I dyed each piece with red ink, using a darker red on opposing pieces to create a shadow effect. I decided to include string looped into three of the circles to add texture and to follow the design rules of threes. I want to keep exploring abstract forms and texture in my future projects.  


Nick Moran

Negative Space 

Negative Space
Tracing paper, wire, white ink, wood, gel medium

In Process

Reflection Statement

My intent is to visually communicate negative space. Using tracing paper, wire, and gel medium together, I made a fabric-like object that I folded into a circle. I decided to include two wooden pieces that I drilled together to make a stand, because it allowed the circle to stay open on both sides. The making of this work exposed new ideas such as creating a new type of texture that can be used across a variety of works in a variety of ways. I want to keep exploring other shapes and forms this piece can be molded into.


Focal Point

Focal Point
Balsa wood, masking tape, black ink, gel medium, wire, thread

In Process

Reflection Statement

My intent with this piece was to visually communicate focal point. I used balsa wood for the stand, wire and tape for the piece, and gel medium with blue and white ink for the bottom piece. I felt the work was not producing the results that I wanted. I want to keep exploring different ways to incorporate the element of focal point into my work, to better improve my art and create results that I feel confident about.  


Roman Prytuliak


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