

The Buoy
White pine, wood stain, blue thread
3.5" x 3.5" x 4"

Artist Statement

The sculpture explores a memory I have from my childhood in growing up in Florida. When I was young, my grandfather would take my sisters and I out on his boat to a sandbar, we would collect shells and then meet at the buoy in between the boat and the sandbar. Using white pine wood I created a circular form with a smooth texture to represent the boat my grandfather built and would take us out on. With wood stain and sandpaper I was able to create lighter values on the wood that resemble the appearance of sunlight bouncing off of ocean waves. I included the element of focal point with the blue thread that I shaped into a rope. Rather than using a real rope, I created it out of blue thread because thread is soft and and warn, like the feelings I get from this memory. 

In Process



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